Monday, June 23, 2008

Yep, there they are!! My sweet love muffins...

Would you just look at those sweet boys growing..Whit and Parker are two months old already. They are the sweetest things. I got to spend an entire week with them and I am seriously going through withdraws. They are coming over here Wednesday for Madi's 14 birthday dinner. Can't really believe that either.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It wouldn't be a vacation without smores!

There are always small things that you do each year that make up your memories of a good vacation. These pictures of the entire family sitting outside with tiki torches lit, the firepit flaming and everyone sitting around telling stories, is one of my most favorite things about our family vacations. We roast marshmellows on coathangers and all smell of smoke when we go inside, but I love it.

Lindsay has Whit.

PawPaw is sharing more popcorn from the grill.

Olivia enjoys a smores. Check out our mad pool in the background. It is one of the favorites of coming to the beach. PawPaw blows up the pool and we get in it after a day at the beach. It is so big is takes up most of his driveway. We can all get in it-its that big.

Grandmaw has Parker.

What's cooking at night on the island?

This night we had popcorn on the grill. It starts with Madi and PawPaw taking Orville out and putting kernals in the pot with oil

Then it takes atleast three people to watch over it until it begins to pop.

This is what you are left with-melt some butter and shake lots of salt on it. Yummy.

Do we ever see the road we travel?

Do we ever really pay attention to our daily drive to where ever we are going? Does your car know the way by itself to work, home and church? I am usually in such a hurry with kids and life that I don't take time to really look at my path to anywhere. But this day, I decided to take it all in as if it were my last trip to the beach. I looked at the fields, the ponds, the roads, the railroads and the cars riding towards us and beside us. In my people and place watching, I even spotted a Chick-fil-A vehicle on the same highway as us. As we passed by the CFA vehicle, I looked over to wave..haha-it was none other than my boss and his family going on their own beach family vacation. We were about 2 hours into our little trip and so were they. I called my bossman on the phone to tell him that he was driving slower than I usually see him and he explained that he was in a convoy. Oh well, since I wasnt in his little convoy, I passed him and went on. My pictures are not in order since I am not savvy like that. But, the gest is, God is good. He has created some beautiful points and places in our day to day. We just need to take the time to enjoy them a little more than we do. I made a point this day and this trip to see our drive to the beach as if it were our first and out last. Take time to enjoy your path, you maybe surprised at what you are driving by each day.

This is the home stretch. The lake at Carolina beach. We are about 1/2 mile from Mom and Dads now. This is where we ride bikes, go to watch movies on Sunday nights on the big jumbotron and where we ride the boats.

The road seems to never end. We just drive on and on.

The was my girls first drive to the beach. Which is why I got to enjoy the sites that I normally dont get to.

Obviously, some of us don't worry about the road, the driver or really much of anything.

Here is a picture of the railroad crossing in Polkton NC, that we cross on the way to the beach. I don't think I have ever really looked up these tracks. I can only image the stories that could be told and the history that the tracks hold.

Are you serious? $3.99 a gallon. BTW, it is now $4.05 down here on the island. Thanks Gmaw for letting us drive your car to the beach. Lots better gas mileage

Outside our windows were lakes and ponds that we probably have passed 100's of times over the years.

The corn fields went on for miles. As far as I could see, there were fields.

This field looked so soft and pretty that I had to pull over to touch it. Have you ever touched a wheat field? Its not so soft after all. Looks like to would be fun to walk through, I actually stopped, looked for awhile, then rubbed my hands right over it as if it were going to feel soft. Its not. It was dry, rough and prickly. But I am glad I did stop.

Monday, June 16, 2008

1 week down and 1 week to go

I have always wanted to spend two weeks at the beach with my parents. Everyone knows how much I love Carolina Beach. School was over and it was a great time to pack everyone up and spend some time regrouping, recharging and re-acquainting myself with the sand and ocean. I have spent one week with Chip, Lindsay, the boys, my kids, Greg and my parents. Surprisingly, we all get along in this house. We all love days on the beach and nights chillin at the house. I have read one of my books for work and watched hours of dvd's about Chick-fil-A. Being away from work helps me plan and get a vision of the months to come. I love being locked up in my room late at night going over work stuff and goggling the Internet for fun stuff to do at the store.
I have not blogged in over two weeks. I don't think that I can catch up in date order, so forgive me if I jump around.
Greg has gone back to work and will return Friday for our last weekend here. Chip, Lindsay and the boys also went home. It is now just me, the kids and Mom and Dad. Today we sat around the pool and watched Tiger Woods win his upteenth golf tournament. I don't think I ever watched golf until I married Greg. I love Tiger. I also never watched football and we are die hard Steelers fans in our house. It is amazing how a man can rub off on you.
Tomorrow we are going down on the beach for a day of sun and fun. Wednesday we are going into town-haha-to take it a movie. I am also going to see a marketing director from this area and sit down with her for awhile for a chat.
The rest of the week will be filled with more CFA dvd's, another work related book and lots of planning for upcoming events at the store.
Tonight we had a great dinner from the garden. Corn, squash casserole, potatoes, cucumbers, stewed cabbage and Chick-fil-A chicken strips(thank you boss man). Yummo. My children love coming to the beach because they know GMaw will feed them well.

Picture day on the beach

My crew with Mom and Dad

The entire crew with Mom and Dad

My crew sure is getting older

Olivia has Whit and Madi has Parker
Wow, 6 grandkids. A picture we have all waited a while to enjoy.

Are these proud grandparents or what?

I love taking pictures on the beach. This year I wanted to get photos of my parents with all the grandbabies. It was a great afternoon so Lindsay, Chip and myself walked everyone down to the beach for some fun. I think I may be bias but these are some beautiful people.