Tuesday, January 1, 2008

OK, here goes..This blog is dedicated to "my good friends, Marybeth and Lysa". These two wonderful friends of mine have tried to encourage me to start a blog. First of all, I am not a writer like they are. Second, I am the Queen of run on sentences and usually do not use spell check. Sorry in advance to all you perfect people. Third-usually my stories are only funny to my mom (side note..she only thinks that they are funny because she finally gets to says all those grandmotherly things like--I told you so, You wanted all these children..and Payback is heck isnt it) and my friends MaryBeth and Lysa, who laugh hysterically at my stories because they are living my same insane life with all their children too. And finally, I did not want to start a blog because I was scared one day that these words may be used against me in a court of law. You know what I mean if you are a mother. For real, sometimes things just come out my mouth, but that does not mean that I want a prosecutor to re-read and re-live them for all to judge me. So thats it, If you want to read about me and mine-enjoy but please don't judge...Like momma says payback is heck...
I have four children as you can see pictured right. Jessica is 16..just 16 I might add. She turned 16 on Christmas day. She has her learners permit and I do not like driving with her. Now, I understand why my dad turned me over to Smokey when I was 16. My parents wanted to live another day..Jessica is a sophomore at Butler High school. She is captain of the JV cheerleaders there..We are on a quest to get her accepted to UNC-Chapel Hill and on their cheerleading squad in three years. I am sure I will tell you more about her later. Madison is 13 going on 24. In her mind she has graduated high school, went to college four years at UNC-Wilmington and has a job as an ultrasound tech. She lives with her ultra rich husband on Lake Norman. And you can see her most weekends on her boat probably skiing. But for now she is an eighth grader at Queens Grant (captain of the JV cheerleaders and VP of the student body-she wanted me to add) Olivia -now is changing on us daily. For those you that don't remember, we adopted her almost five years ago from Mogilev, Belarus. She loves animals.....loves animals..She will probably be a vet, or nurse, or own a dog kennel like her Uncle Bob and Aunt Jan..I am sure I will write more about "the farm" later. I secretly hope Olivia becomes a massage therapist so that I can benefit..She loves to play soccer too. She has try-outs for her school team in the spring. And then I have my little Wilson-he is all of our favorite here at the Casa McKinney..He is 8 and plays soccer..He finally received an XBOX360 from santa (what were you thinking Santa-I mean for real)and all is well with the world. His best friend is Nicki and they play together all the time. We are glad he has a best friend, since our house in a swinging door to girls at all times of the day, week and night. There is always someone here and Greg and I love it...most of the time..except when my head is spinning around, I grow four heads and ugly things come screaming out of my mouth...I have the most wonderful parents and will probably blog about them because my children and I invade their house at Carolina Beach a lot each summer. They would love to sell it and I think they will one day but for now me and mine secretly hope it does not sell for a few more sun-filled summers. My days are filled with everyone you have already read about and more. I love, love, love my job. I am the marketing director at Chick-fil-A at the Arboretum. I am sure as days follows you will read about my wonderful boss and boss lady(my good friend, Lysa and thanks to my good friend MaryBeth for telling me about this wonderful job), my most perfect assistant LIZ-in-which I could not survive without, my Gail-friend-every girl needs one and the crew...We have also fell in love with our new cocker spaniel Toby-yes Toby Keith. The kids and I named him that in hopes that Greg would love him too. No such luck. Greg hates any dog that is not his, is not a German Shepard and he did not pick out. Sorry Toby.
By the way -we are having twins...Don't I look good? Just kidding, my brother and his wife are having twins this spring and we are soooo excited about it. Get ready to hear lots of good stories on Parker and Whit..
So I think that this is enough for my first blog and first day..I am now off to the store for dinner. A traditional New Years Day dinner. Pork roast, black-eyed peas, greens and asparagus for the children and corn bread.Yummo!!
May each of you have a great year and enjoy my crazy life with me......


Lysa TerKeurst said...

I am the first commenter EVER!!! And a proud grandma of one said blog and an inspiring friend who encouraged you to create said blog- and well- not that it's about me or anything!!!! Oh sigh.
Anyhow, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
proud of you for stepping out and writing!
You go girl- shimmie, shimmie!

Lysa TerKeurst said...

Oh yes, and I must give credit where credit is due- Marybeth is still the queen of all blogs. So, she technically is behind all this bloggie madness!
ps--- I am the second comment as well!!!!
This calls for a little MC Hammer action around my kitchen!

Marybeth Whalen said...

Girl, you shimmy shimmied your way right into the blogworld!!! (Which in blogging terms is technically called "The blogosphere"... you need to know these things now.)

I am adding you to my blogroll posthaste because I love you and because I can not wait to catch up on your crazy life via your blog. Way to go!!

PS, Ashleigh just came in here and read what I wrote and read what Lysa wrote and has proclaimed us all to be freaks. Is that a compliment? I am choosing to take it as such.

robin(gramaw) said...

ok, this gramaw is new to the world of "blogdom", which i guess is the same thing as my great grandmothers daily journal and my grandmothers diary and my daily emails, but blogging just seems too much for this gramaw! with that said.....i am tickled and proud as poop that my overly busy daughter has found the time to even do a daily blog! she is truely my hero.....love you daughter of mine! love mom

Sugunya McKinney said...

Great blog! I don't know how you find time to do all that you do. Keep up the good work. I look forward to checking in on your family daily.

Anonymous said...

Wow... what a great blog!

Now where's my free Chick-fil-a sandwich????