Here is Chip and Lindsay. Doesn't she look great? The boys will be here sometime in April. This past weekend

Mom and I threw them a baby shower. I must say Mom and I had loads of fun, decorating, shopping for food, picking up lots of baby clothes times 2 and getting to be apart of this special time. But, the most exciting thing is to see my older brother finally getting the life he has always wanted. For years he has wanted a wife, children and a family of his very own. Chip goes to Lindsay's doctors appointments. They have taken lots of educational classes at the hospital. He washes and folds mounds of new born clothes. He takes care of her. He dotes on her and open car doors for her. Don't get me wrong, Lindsay does just as much for him as he does for her, but to see my brother do all these things is wonderful. Check out his smile..I think he began to smile the day he met Lindsay. For that and many more things she does for him, I will be forever blessed and thankful. They are going to be wonderful parents. I am going to be a wonderful aunt!!!!!

Anyway, back to the shower. Instead of buying a table cloth, I decided to purchase two baby blankets and have them
monogrammed with the boys names of them. Check it out, I think it turned out cute.
Greg carved out two baby strollers

out of watermelons and we put fruit
in them. I was so proud of how they
turned out. And we made a center piece

out of a tin with diapers, wipes and baby items. The
stollers were so easy to do and added so much to the table.
I was so excited that we had
a lot of family that
got to the there. All my dad's brothers and sisters were there but one. It was a great time to visit and catch up .We all had fun talking, eating and sharing stories that were meant to scare the pants off expecting new parents. ex. 650 diaper changes per week and way back when there were no
disposable diapers, they only had cloth. Can you just imagine?
Now that all the excitement is over from planning the shower, and the nursery is decorated, we are just waiting for Parker and Whit to arrive. I will go down to Lindsay and Chip's soon and take picture of the boys room to post for you.
Before I go, I wanted to say "hello to Angela". My bestest, most favorite cousin. She lives in Raleigh now and I miss her. I am glad we can catch up through this blog and emails. Can't wait to see you and Clint after the boys get here. Let's do plan that beach trip. Clint, give her a big hug for me. Love you girl.
On a side note about Madison, she is having a great time. She has text me several times, sent me pictures messages from her phone and called me this morning to say hello. She knew I would be in the car taking the kids to school. It makes me feel good that she is calling me so much. She is excited to share all that she is seeing, doing and experiencing. Gotta love it when she is calling tha Momma!!!