I did join the momtourage group and enjoyed the first visit. I received the book and am working on reading the first four chapters. BTW the second meeting is tomorrow night and I only read two chapters so far. I am looking forward to going again.But tonight I will not be able to read because I am taking my girls to a volunteer only concert at church. That means you have to volunteer to hear the wonderful music that Elevation puts out each week. I love that my girls want me to go. I am wearing my cool new tennis shoes, even though I don't think they call them that any more. I am wearing my "puma's" and jammin with my girls. OK-I will try not to embarras them too much or throw out my back like I did last time we jammed.
I took Madi to the "Revolve Conference". It was a teen christian conference for girls. It was awesome. We got to meet some of the speaker team and artists. For me it was very inspirational and Madi was siked about it too. Here is a picture of Amanda, Meredith and Madi at the conference.

Olivia is trying out for the Queens Grant soccer team in two weeks. We have been taking her to lots of practices and I hope she makes it. Greg and I love going to our kids sporting events. Soccer games, cheerleading, basketball, dance, tumbling..you name it and we love going. I think my girls get cheerleading honest..they have parents that are their biggest fans.
Both Olivia and Wil received honors this week at school for perfect attendance and grades. My children love going to school. They love getting good grades and working toward those paper acolates. As long as they will strive for them..I will encourage it.

Jessica was in a reverse homecoming court at her school. That is when boys are on the court and they ask girls to escort them. Her grandparents took her to buy some dresses and this is the one that she chose to wear that day. She is also recovering from some funky fever thing. She could not eat for a week. She survived off saltine crackers. I think she lost about five pounds... like she needed it. I dont think the cracker diet would work that great for me. I also 

Amanda, Zack and Madi
at their middle school winter
social. These three have been
best friends for years.
This month will be the 5 year anniversary of adopting Olivia. Remembering back of what it took leading up to our decision to add her to our crazy family and all it took makes me tired. It truly was a God thing because I don't think that I could do it again. This week I have remembered her brother that ran away the weekend he was to sign away rights to her. I remembered finding out in court that her parents are still alive. I remembered telling the judge I would love her like my bio children. I remembered the wonderful man that helped Greg and I through some tough times there. I remembered armed men taking my husband away to a dark, locked room. I remembered how my heart ached not to see or hear from my family for 3 weeks. I remembered the smell of Belarus, the smell of the house we stayed in, the smell of the foods that were prepared for us each day, the smell of the people on the plane to Poland, the smell of fear, the smell of the steak house in Chicago and the smell of my dad's cologne as he hugged me when all the family was at the airport welcoming us back to America.It seems like yesterday that my brother was in Afganistan telling my mom not to let us board the plane.And yet it seems like 20 years that Olivia has been with us. We seem to be alot diffent then we were back then. Sometimes I think we are crazier but most times I think that she has made us better. And a quote from Mrs. Danner (Greg's sweet grandmother that has since passed)"that foreign girl that ya'll bought looks nothing like ya'll". She has grown into a beautiful, hard working, caring daughter of mine!!!!
I know this is a little long-but what do you expect? Life just didnt sit still while I was not blogging you know!
I wanted to go to the Everlasting Love tour with Voddie Baucham. But we couldn't go because Madi had a cheerleading competition. I was bummed because I thought Greg and I would enjoy it. We have been married for almost 17 years. Lately we have been wrapped up, ran over and over whelmed with life, health and children. So this seemed like such a great thing. When Madi's comp. was canceled I briefly thought that it would have been nice to be able to go. The tickets were $90 for both of us, not including lunch. This week my very sweet, long time friend Teri called and said that she had won tickets off the radio and wanted to know if I wanted them. I could not believe it. I rejoiced that God was that darn good.And Kemp and Teri thought so highly of us to bless us with their tickets. Greg and I went and I must say that it was a day of inspiration, confiction and guidance. Not only do I feel better as a mom but a wife too. I am going to try to use my new found wisdom this week. I will let you know how it goes. My friend Curt Whalen is a Voddie stalker and I think I am too now.

My parents have been in Florida for three weeks. Hooping it up with Smokey, Hazel, Mickey and Minnie. Before they left my dad celebrated his birthday. (the picture of my dad looks like he has some funky beard going on, but really it is his collar)They will be coming home next Wednesday and they are coming straight over to get Bear. Bear has been an angel. We all love him. Even GREG!!! He even told Bear last night that he did not know what he was going to do when he left. I think I saw a tear..This is huge people..remember my husband does not like dogs that are not shepards and that he did not pick out. Anyway-back to the parents..them coming home means we are in the home stretch of baby watch. Mom and I are giving Lindsay a shower next weekend. She is already out of work. The baby clothes are currently being purchased and washed. Chip and Lindsay are taking classes at the hospital and Aunt Paige is getting giddy.

And lastly..my baby turned 9 years old this week. Wil was 9 on Friday. He had his BFF Nicki over to eat pizza and brownies. We all watched the game plan with The Rock. And I enjoyed having a layed back evening with the entire family. As I looked around the room, I thought to myself that it is not often that we all together doing the exact same things at once. It felt good to have everyone home Friday night. Wil wants to have a laser tag party with his friends and we will have Mom,Dad, Chip and Lindsay over next week for his family birthday. Doesn't it seems like birthDAYS and birthWEEKS now a days. It must be great to be a kid.
Thats it for now. Hope you have a great day. I am going to read my two chapters, slip on my "puma's" and begin to get my groove on. I feel very refreshed that I have gotten all this out for you to read.Catch up with you soon.
1 comment:
We were so upset we couldn't go - but so grateful that you and Greg were able to use the tickets! I'm good at winning things off the radio and including your family! (Remember the whole Britney Spears thing with Jessi?!?) Too funny! Maybe next time I'll win a million dollars and I'll share that with you too! Love you!
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