Ok seriously, them little buggars are still not here. Each week Chip and Lindsay take off for the doctors office with high hopes and each week they return back home. I mean I got it during the winter months, its cold..and I understood they did not want to come during Easter cause they could not eat chocolate..but come on..its Spring..the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing and times a wasting. Hear me Little Parker and Little Whit..I have waited long enough...This is your Aunt Paige..could you come on so I can see ya!!!. I mean for real..next week is spring break and I am not even going to the beach as I normally do..I am staying here by myself, so I can take care of you guys and your mommy.
Speaking of your mom- she is a trooper..She can barely walk..her feet are swolen and she rarely sleeps. Not that much is going to change when you two get here..but its time.
On a another note. I love my church. Elevation..If you have time..around 45 minutes and want to listen to Pastor Furticks Easter sermon. Click here and click on watch sermons online. His message is amazing. Dont get freaked out with the white suit and hair..He suffers for the Lord. And his wife thinks he's hot!!!!This past Sunday the message was even better, but it is not uploaded yet. I have listened to this service about 3 times. My children have listened and they even download him on their ipods. Pretty awesome..
Pray for Lindsay, she is going back to the doctor on Thursday. I hope she receives good news then.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Life comes at you FAST!!!
Yesterday I spent the day with Lindsay. We organized our coupons. It was triple coupon days at Harris Teeter. I really like triple coupons. After we organized we we went shopping, ran errands and had a great lunch. We went to South 21, I mean really great lunch. As we were leaving a lady stopped us and asked Lindsay this.
Lady-"When is your baby due?"
Lindsay"Anyday now"
Lady-"Are you having a boy or a girl?"
Linday-" Two boys"
Lady'"Oh, that is wonderful"
Then the lady turns her head towards me and utters these words that rocked me to the core. Are you ready? Are you sitting down? Do you have a tissue?
Lady-"Are you the grandmother?"
WHAT......Am I the GRANDMOTHER????
All could say was "No".. no other words could form in my head. Lindsay kindly explained that I was to be the boys aunt and we walked away.
I told Lindsay that I needed to go to the gym. I must be looking bad. We got into the car and went about our way. I shared this story with my mom. I think she about peed in her pants. We laughed so much she woke the sleeping dog and my dad. I called Marybeth today and shared the funny with her too. Only a friend could understand where you are coming from when you are feeling dissed by a stranger.
What else can I girl do but move on.
Madi and I went to the grocery store today. I ran into the dad of one of my best friends from school. We talked about my friend and how much fun we had growing up. He spoke to Madi and shared funny stories of my youth. As he was walking away he rested his hand on my arm and said these words" I will tell Susan I saw you and you look much older than the last time she saw you." ....WHAT...again....I am aging this much? Do you need to arrange for my room at the home.. Do I have one foot in the grave?....Seriously....Life comes at you fast!!!
I have laughed about these stories all day as I shared them with my family...as i ate a brownie...
Lady-"When is your baby due?"
Lindsay"Anyday now"
Lady-"Are you having a boy or a girl?"
Linday-" Two boys"
Lady'"Oh, that is wonderful"
Then the lady turns her head towards me and utters these words that rocked me to the core. Are you ready? Are you sitting down? Do you have a tissue?
Lady-"Are you the grandmother?"
WHAT......Am I the GRANDMOTHER????
All could say was "No".. no other words could form in my head. Lindsay kindly explained that I was to be the boys aunt and we walked away.
I told Lindsay that I needed to go to the gym. I must be looking bad. We got into the car and went about our way. I shared this story with my mom. I think she about peed in her pants. We laughed so much she woke the sleeping dog and my dad. I called Marybeth today and shared the funny with her too. Only a friend could understand where you are coming from when you are feeling dissed by a stranger.
What else can I girl do but move on.
Madi and I went to the grocery store today. I ran into the dad of one of my best friends from school. We talked about my friend and how much fun we had growing up. He spoke to Madi and shared funny stories of my youth. As he was walking away he rested his hand on my arm and said these words" I will tell Susan I saw you and you look much older than the last time she saw you." ....WHAT...again....I am aging this much? Do you need to arrange for my room at the home.. Do I have one foot in the grave?....Seriously....Life comes at you fast!!!
I have laughed about these stories all day as I shared them with my family...as i ate a brownie...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Praying for your husband
Greg and I have been together for 19 years. In a few weeks we will have been married for 17 years. I really don't write much about Greg, because he is very low maintainance to me. But tonight Jessica came out of her room to find me because she was worried. She explained that she had heard an announcement on the radio that tonight was initiation night for a specific gang in Charlotte. The gang were to be on the road after dark and all through the night finding would be prey. They were to bump into the back of drivers on the road. When the driver gets out of the car to see what happened, this is when the gang member would shoot and kill them. This really burdened Jessica because Greg travels to work every night at 2am. He drives across town off highway 85 and Billy Graham and opens the truck lot alone. There is a gate that locks behind him, but he has to get out and unlock it. He does this every night while his four children and I are sleeping peacefully through the night. Greg was not home at the time Jessica was telling me this story because it is Tuesday night. Every Tuesday night for the past 11 years, Greg has went over to a local dentist office to clean it. He cleans it twice a week for extra money. I don't know if the little extra really makes a difference or if he just enjoys the time alone. Jessica called her Dad on the phone to let him know what she had heard and he assured her he would be extra careful. He put her mind to rest. I don't write about Greg much because he is "simple", he does not require much attention or sleep. I wish I could say that I have accepted all his flaws/traits but they still get under my skin at times. He is gruff and loud. He is direct and to the point. He does not try to make you feel better by puffing you up with words and he never uses words he cant pronounce or explain. He is just Greg if you know him.
Seven years ago Greg began to have seizures. Through many tests the doctors determined that he was epileptic. They narrowed the portion of the brain that was making him have seizures and wanted him to have brain surgery. The risk was too much for us, so we decided not to go through with the surgery. Because of his new condition, Greg had to give up the one thing in his life that he loved. Driving a truck. He loved everything about it. Being your own boss, not sitting behind a desk, and being outdoors. When he was a child,his grandfather started one of the first trucking companies in Charlotte and that is all he ever wanted to do. He has made the very best of his situation. I could go on about the effects it has had on our life, children, job and finances, but this is about praying for him.
Every night Greg goes to bed before me. Like I said he leaves at 2am. One of my favorite things to do is get all the children in the bed and get myself ready. I sneak in the room and gently climb into bed as not to wake him.. Who am I kidding. Greg slept through hurricane Hugo. I come in turn the lights on, get dressed for bed, set the alarm, climb up in the giant bed in the sky(another story for later) turn the TV on and set up my laptop on my lap. I can type, work and laugh at the tv for hours. I could jump on the bed and it would not wake him. I usually have to tell him is alarm clock is going off for work.
But tonight as I set up my laptop to surf blogs, I thought of Jessica and her worries of her dad. I thought how much this burdened her. I thought of where we would be without Greg. I thought of the children and how they love their father. So I placed my hand on his back and said these words"Lord protect my husband as he drives to work. Place angels around him and guard him as he travels through the streets of town. Walk beside him as he opens those gates tonight. Thank you that he never fails us, he always gets up to go. Thank you that he has only called into work sick two times in 19 years. Thank you that he provides for me and the children. Thank you that he loves his children. Thank you that he is a wonderful father. Thank you Lord that even though he works sometimes 12 hours per day, he picks the children up from school in the afternoons, so that I may work. Please give him strength to work even though his body is always tired. Thank you that he always returns home each day and does not want to be anywhere else. Thank you Lord for him".
How come we usually do not pray the hardest for the ones we love the most. If you read this post, please pray for your husbands more. They really need it. I know my stinkin one does.
Seven years ago Greg began to have seizures. Through many tests the doctors determined that he was epileptic. They narrowed the portion of the brain that was making him have seizures and wanted him to have brain surgery. The risk was too much for us, so we decided not to go through with the surgery. Because of his new condition, Greg had to give up the one thing in his life that he loved. Driving a truck. He loved everything about it. Being your own boss, not sitting behind a desk, and being outdoors. When he was a child,his grandfather started one of the first trucking companies in Charlotte and that is all he ever wanted to do. He has made the very best of his situation. I could go on about the effects it has had on our life, children, job and finances, but this is about praying for him.
Every night Greg goes to bed before me. Like I said he leaves at 2am. One of my favorite things to do is get all the children in the bed and get myself ready. I sneak in the room and gently climb into bed as not to wake him.. Who am I kidding. Greg slept through hurricane Hugo. I come in turn the lights on, get dressed for bed, set the alarm, climb up in the giant bed in the sky(another story for later) turn the TV on and set up my laptop on my lap. I can type, work and laugh at the tv for hours. I could jump on the bed and it would not wake him. I usually have to tell him is alarm clock is going off for work.
But tonight as I set up my laptop to surf blogs, I thought of Jessica and her worries of her dad. I thought how much this burdened her. I thought of where we would be without Greg. I thought of the children and how they love their father. So I placed my hand on his back and said these words"Lord protect my husband as he drives to work. Place angels around him and guard him as he travels through the streets of town. Walk beside him as he opens those gates tonight. Thank you that he never fails us, he always gets up to go. Thank you that he has only called into work sick two times in 19 years. Thank you that he provides for me and the children. Thank you that he loves his children. Thank you that he is a wonderful father. Thank you Lord that even though he works sometimes 12 hours per day, he picks the children up from school in the afternoons, so that I may work. Please give him strength to work even though his body is always tired. Thank you that he always returns home each day and does not want to be anywhere else. Thank you Lord for him".
How come we usually do not pray the hardest for the ones we love the most. If you read this post, please pray for your husbands more. They really need it. I know my stinkin one does.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Quick thoughts
I am writing you from one of favorite place in the world. My bedroom at the beach. The kids are enjoying reconnecting with friends. The weather is wonderful. The dinners have been amazing and we all miss Chip and Lindsay. I keep thinking that we will be back in two months for vacation and the boys will be here with us. I am so excited. And yes we have had our first bite of Britt's for the season. I will post pictures tomorrow. I am just I just too tired tonight.
Lindsay went to the doctor Thursday and those sweet boys still are not ready to see the world. She is 36 weeks today. The doctors will let her go until 38 weeks before they decide what steps to take next. I will keep you posted.
I will post more tomorrow-but for now have a Blessed and wonderful Easter. I am very thankful this Easter..
Lindsay went to the doctor Thursday and those sweet boys still are not ready to see the world. She is 36 weeks today. The doctors will let her go until 38 weeks before they decide what steps to take next. I will keep you posted.
I will post more tomorrow-but for now have a Blessed and wonderful Easter. I am very thankful this Easter..
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Saying "Yes to God"
I am still reading the book if you where wondering. We are in a crazy season at CFA and I really don't have a lot of time to just sit and read. Today, as I was getting ready for work, my mind and heart kept going to one special person. Most of my friends and family have known her for years. She has been apart of my life for so long that it is hard to remember her not being in my life. She married one of my very distant cousins. We don't know how or even claim it but we know that we are somehow related by marriage. Once removed, twice over... somehow. Anyway, back to getting ready this morning. Teri Miller aka "my cousin Teri", said "yes to God" this past year and man has he transformed her life. You can't help but see her beaming with new life. She accepted Jesus this past year and has really said yes in a big way. She heads up one of the children's ministries at Elevation. She loves working with the children. My children love her. She is a part of a small group of couples that meet once a week. She is a part of a group moms from the church that meet once a month. She takes meals to fellow church moms in need. Her children say the most wonderful prayers. Her man, Kemp is serving in the church, too. I love me some Kemp. Teri is a "yes" serving woman. If you don't know her, hop over to Teri Sue's thoughts and see the heart of a true Jesus serving woman. I enjoy reading her blog entries. Get yourself a cup of coffee, sit back and read them all the way through. She has always had the biggest heart and now she has the biggest, full heart. When I was finished getting ready for work I was filled with happiness and joy that I am apart of Teri's life and get to witness her be a witness, light and "yes" serving woman. Way to go Teri. I love you!!!! Teri's heart was pricked and then filled with the love of Jesus, all because someone invited her to church. Go ahead, invite someone to church and see their life change too. I double dare you....Maybe they will become someone that says yes to God too.
I have Spring fever!!!!!
I am tired of cloudy, grey and cold days. I love "Carolina blue skies". I love sand. I love warm breezes on my face. I love watching my kids play in the ocean. I even love playing in the ocean myself. My kids get the biggest kick of their 40 plus year old mother jumping over waves and diving under "the really big ones". They especially get a kick when I occasionally "wipe out". Full blown wipe outs, I mean head over feet ones. I love listening to music on the beach. I love family walks down on the beach. I love wearing absolutely no make-up for an entire week. I love my dad loading up the trailer with endless supplies and mom loading up the food. I love the smell of suntan lotion. I love that my children share the love of Wilmington with me. The place where I grew up on the sand. They love it. They have made friends and can't wait for another summer to return to spend weeks upon weeks with them. I love the enormous amount of flip flops that gather at the front door each year. We love riding bikes at the beach, around the block, around the lake, finding new spots to talk about. I love my memories of mom swinging on the front porch swing for hours and dad tinkering in the garage. I love the sound of the lawn mower starting up early every Saturday morning. My kids love to fish. They really love fishing from the neighbors boat. They love watching Corny kiddie movies on the lawn around the lake at night with the entire community. They love playing "rolla bat in the side yard". They love hiding Easter eggs for the adults and watching us run around like chickens to see who can find the most. We have had Easter at the beach for the past 15 years. We don't even have one single basket, egg dying supply or one piece of Easter grass here in Charlotte. Everything is there in the closet at the beach. They love going to the beach because my moms cooks really good meals for them every single night. We have adults cook and kids clean rule at the beach and they don't seem to mind. They love Easter weekend, because it's when their dad goes every year to purchase the first "Britt's donut of the season" Britt's has been open for over 50 years, making the same donut. Simple donut, but extraordinary. They love Britt's. I have so many memories of the beach that I could go on for days. As you can tell, I really have spring fever, beach fever and whatever fever takes me to the "beach house". I love summers with my family, my kids and friends. I love the fact that I will have two sets of tiny toes to put in the ocean this summer. I can't wait to have Parker and Whit grow up at the beach like my children have. I love hanging out with Teri, Kemp and their children. Kemps parents have a house across the street from my parents and the summers spent with them are irreplaceable. Teri's children made such an impression on Lindsay and Chip last summer. Playing with Whit and Sophie on the beach sealed the deal for them that kids were in their future. Love me some Whit and Sophie!!! I love family pictures on the beach. Everyone in position and me running to take my place in the growing number of people that I adore, while they all count down until the picture flashes. It is funny every time. I love working "from the field". It's what I call it when you call me with a Chick-fil-A question and you hear waves crashing in the background. I know in the years to come we will no longer have this beach house to love, but for this spring break and this summer vacation. We do! And I am going to enjoy the mess out of it. So, if you start to miss me this Easter weekend, spring break or anytime this summer when the temperature is over 75 degrees , you will probably find me on the sand with my parents and kids.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Keeping meals organized

1. Find yourself a very organized, creative, mentor friend. I have one, her name is Marybeth Whalen.
2. We have a family meeting every other Saturday in the kitchen, all around the table. I have four children, so I ask them to tell me two dinners that is their favorite. I write down my menu's for two weeks on this chalk board. After we plan the meals, I go to the store and purchase all the supplies. If it is written, then I usually cook it. Well, until someone wants to give me the night off and then I don't mind leaving the menu board behind. My husband and children love being able to see what we are having each night and get excited when we are having their favorite. If you have a favorite organizational tip, hop over to Lysa's blog at http://lysaterkeurst.blogspot.com/
Making bread

Mix until it looks like this, kind of milky

Let stand about 10 minutes while yeast proofs or activates

Pour into mixer. I use my kitchen aid mixer with hook attachement-if you don't have one. Use regular mixer until you have to kneed the dough. Add 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt and 1/4 cup of oil. Mix well. Add 6 cups of bread flour-adding one cup at a time.

It will look like this. Take it out and kneed it for about 15 minutes on a floured surface. This is where I usually take out my days grumpiness.

Put in greased bowl

This next step in fun. Punch a hole in risen dough and take it out and kneed to again for about another 15 minutes.

Let sit again for another 30 minutes to rise again. This is when I clean the kitchen and pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. I cover mine back up again, but I don't think it is neccesary.

Thursday, March 13, 2008
I need to work on my BFF skills
I called "My goodfriend, MaryBeth" (first name My, middle name GoodFriend and last name MaryBeth) yesterday and this is how the conversation went.
Me-"Hey, what's up?
MB-"How are you?"
Me-"Nervous, going to meet Art for a one on one. I am weirding out about this meeting. I think this could be it""I am getting fired"
MB-Listening to me rant for next 15 minutes, interjecting kind, positive and generous encouragement to me as always.
Me-"Well how is your day going?"
MB-"Great, I have been contacted by someone wanting to fly me to Disney for an all expense paid trip to enjoy myself and talk to other mother bloggers about being an experienced older mom"
Me-"Great, I am having a crappy day and all you can tell me is you are trotting off to Disney because you are "an it on a stick Mom". "Great- way to go MaryBeth, way to make me feel good"
MB"I don't know if I'll go, I mean this might be a scam"
Me-"MaryBeth, are you serious, who would want you? "No one is going to lure YOU to Disney. "They would be insane, I mean you are a mother of 6.
MB-"Paige, You need to take yourself right home and blog about what it is to be a good friend, cause you stink!!!!"
So this is a SHOUT OUT to "My Gooood Friend MaryBeth". I love you and don't know where I would be right now without you. OK- yes I would. My children would unhealthy and malnourished, cause you are my mentor cook friend. I would be an organizational mess, because you are my freaky, clean, organized friend. I would be a heathen, going to Hell in a hand basket, cause you invited me and mine to Elevation baby. And I would not be who I am today without your relentless love of Jesus, love of motherhood and love of me. You are the bomb! And I shimmy and bow down to you. Love you friend! And if you are going to Disney and need a chaperon, take me, cause I have 4 children and am way older than you. No one would want me either.
Me-"Hey, what's up?
MB-"How are you?"
Me-"Nervous, going to meet Art for a one on one. I am weirding out about this meeting. I think this could be it""I am getting fired"
MB-Listening to me rant for next 15 minutes, interjecting kind, positive and generous encouragement to me as always.
Me-"Well how is your day going?"
MB-"Great, I have been contacted by someone wanting to fly me to Disney for an all expense paid trip to enjoy myself and talk to other mother bloggers about being an experienced older mom"
Me-"Great, I am having a crappy day and all you can tell me is you are trotting off to Disney because you are "an it on a stick Mom". "Great- way to go MaryBeth, way to make me feel good"
MB"I don't know if I'll go, I mean this might be a scam"
Me-"MaryBeth, are you serious, who would want you? "No one is going to lure YOU to Disney. "They would be insane, I mean you are a mother of 6.
MB-"Paige, You need to take yourself right home and blog about what it is to be a good friend, cause you stink!!!!"
So this is a SHOUT OUT to "My Gooood Friend MaryBeth". I love you and don't know where I would be right now without you. OK- yes I would. My children would unhealthy and malnourished, cause you are my mentor cook friend. I would be an organizational mess, because you are my freaky, clean, organized friend. I would be a heathen, going to Hell in a hand basket, cause you invited me and mine to Elevation baby. And I would not be who I am today without your relentless love of Jesus, love of motherhood and love of me. You are the bomb! And I shimmy and bow down to you. Love you friend! And if you are going to Disney and need a chaperon, take me, cause I have 4 children and am way older than you. No one would want me either.
Ever been in love with someone you have never met?
I know you may think that it can't happen, but I am here to tell you it can. You can fall in love with someone you have never met. I can see the face, the hair and the hands he has. My heart explodes every time I think of him. I can hear his voice. I am counting the days till we meet face to face. I will love him until my last days. I have waited and waited. I guess I should say that it is not him, but them. Them boys are so dang cute. Don't you agree? Look at those cheeks...It's ok if you can't tell what you are looking at...but this is Baby B, my nephew.Baby A did not want to show us his cute face today. But I know he is precious.
Mom and I went with Lindsay and Chip to the ultrasound appt today. It was amazing. God is good! Mom and babies are very healthy. Lindsay is a trooper..she is amazing even though she does not sleep anymore. She is almost 35 weeks and each of the boys weighs right at 5lbs 12 ozs. So, now can't you see how I can be in love with someone I have never met?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What happens when women say "yes to God"
For the past few weeks I have been in a funk. I have wondered if what I'm doing matters. Am I a good mother, friend, or wife. I wonder if my time at work has outlasted my performance. I have been wondering will I make a difference in my children's life. I wonder if I am being a good christian. I have been wondering if I am anything good at all. One day last week I decided that I I, I, I am not good at anything unless I am doing it for "God" Every time I clean my house and the children dirty it again, "I" don't want to clean it up. Then, I think about being a good wife and mother and doing all these unto the Lord. I love to bake. I like to bake a whole lot. Have you seen my fanny? Well, last week it dawned on me that sometimes my family does not appreciate the time, love and energy it takes for me to always bake for them. Then, I decided that I should not think of doing it for them. I should be thinking of baking for the Lord. So to get to my good story..this morning I was driving to work and praying as I drove.."Lord, I want to say "yes" to what ever you want me to do today. Where ever you lead, I will go. I will follow you and say "yes". No matter where that leads me. Whether it leads me to stay at the job I truly love or to go back home and be a full time mommy, that I loved so much too. Where ever you lead me Lord, I will go." After I prayed this prayer I went inside work and was having a wonderful, as usual day at the Chick-fil-A. I was to have a meeting with my boss, so right before that I did what any women would do prior to meeting a male person. I went to the bathroom. When I returned back to my office to get my things for the meeting. Low and behold.... there sitting slap in the middle of my desk was a book. And not just any book..."WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WOMEN SAY 'YES TO GOD'. What, are you kidding me.?There was a note that said,"Lysa thought you might like this book, Art". (This is one of the many books that my bosses wife has written.) I loved that she thought of me to have it. But, back to my shock...I sat down for a minute and could not believe this. What was God telling me? Had Lysa and Art heard my prayers of possibly leaving the good ole Chick-fil-A? Was my car bugged? Was my office bugged? No, silly I thought to myself. God his self had bugged my heart. Pretty cool I thought. I don't know what will happen after I read the book, but I do know that I have said "Yes to God" and where he leads and will follow. I will let you know how everything goes. As for now. I still love my job, love being a mom, love my humble home, love my husband, love my family and love, love, love to bake. One other thing I have decided that I need to work on --I use I too much...I need to begin to say we- me and Jesus..not I..I am not focusing on me anymore, just Jesus and me.
On a giddy note: I am going to visit the boys on Thursday. Yep! Lindsay and Chip have invited me to come to the ultrasound appointment and I can't wait to tell them to hurry up and enter this wonderful world. These little fellas are so loved and everyone is antisipating their arrival. I am so dang excited.
On a giddy note: I am going to visit the boys on Thursday. Yep! Lindsay and Chip have invited me to come to the ultrasound appointment and I can't wait to tell them to hurry up and enter this wonderful world. These little fellas are so loved and everyone is antisipating their arrival. I am so dang excited.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Holding my breath!!

After the final practice, the coach was suppose to call at 630pm to let us know if Olivia had made the team. At 730pm the phone rang.

Mom don't take pictures of this. The conversation was somber.

He asked how she was feeling because she took a hard fall at the try-outs.

Proof of hard fall(bruised threw socks and shin guards)
Then the smile came that we all had been praying for. The coach said she had a spot on the team. What a happy girl. Greg and I were so proud of her. Everyone ran from all over the house, jumping, shouting and being very proud

of her. This is the first thing she has ever tried out for. What a great accomplishment for a 6th grader. Not bad for a 5 year veteran American girl. She worked hard for it. Bruise and all she was on cloud 9 all night. I finally could stop holding my breath. Way to go Olivia. I am so proud of you!!!!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Saturday at home
Today has been a great Saturday. One of my New Year's resolutions was to be more planful of our meals. I have been very successful with this. I sit down every other Saturday and make a menu for 14 meals. If it is purchased and written down then I will most likely cook it. Greg loves having meals every night and I love only having to think about it twice a month.
All my children were home all day today and we cleaned, cleaned and cleaned. Jessica and I took off to the grocery, and I am excited to report that I planned 14 meals and some extra baking things for $118.00. For six people that is great. Tonight we have so many teens here I can not count so I made a huge crock pot of sloppy joes and 5lbs of fries. I also have chocolate chip banana bread in the oven to go along with fried eggs that Greg makes all the "Saturday night sista's" every Sunday morning.
I am trying something that Marybeth let me try one day at her house. It is homemade bread. I will let you know if it turns out. Olivia and I made it from scratch. Yeast,rising dough, rolling out dough and the whole nine yards.
Olivia has her final try-out Monday and is very nervous. I spoke with the coach last night and I don't think he is keep very many if any 6th graders. She is really wanting to play but understands that 7th and 8th graders will probably make up the biggest part of the team. She has just begun middle school so she will have plenty of time.
Madi is home and had the most wonderful time. She said it was very cold in Washington. They went to the Mickeys tavern, Monticello, Union station, lots of monuments and memorials, Air and Space museum, National museum of National History, Holocaust Museum, The tomb of the unknown soldier, Arlington Cemetery, National Archives, The Capital bldg.,Native American Museum, and they even went to a Senate meeting where she tripped and screamed out on National Television. Silly girl.
Here is the list of dinners we will be having for the next two weeks. I write the main dish on a chalk board and each night will add in side dishes. I am very lucky that all my children and husband love chili's, soup, salads and pastas. It makes it alot easier on me.
1.Sloppy Joes and Fries 2.Chili beans in crock pot 3. Cheeseburgars 4. Potato Soup with bread. 5.Meatloaf 6.Black bean soup 7.Beef Stroganoff. 8 Taco Squares. 9.Breakfast (pancakes or french toast) 10.Chicken Dumplins 11.Flank Steak salad 12.Chili cups (from left over chili) 13. Chicken Alfredo 14. Homemade soup (soup starter from the farm).
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