After the final practice, the coach was suppose to call at 630pm to let us know if Olivia had made the team. At 730pm the phone rang.

Mom don't take pictures of this. The conversation was somber.

He asked how she was feeling because she took a hard fall at the try-outs.

Proof of hard fall(bruised threw socks and shin guards)
Then the smile came that we all had been praying for. The coach said she had a spot on the team. What a happy girl. Greg and I were so proud of her. Everyone ran from all over the house, jumping, shouting and being very proud

of her. This is the first thing she has ever tried out for. What a great accomplishment for a 6th grader. Not bad for a 5 year veteran American girl. She worked hard for it. Bruise and all she was on cloud 9 all night. I finally could stop holding my breath. Way to go Olivia. I am so proud of you!!!!!
YAAAAYYYYY! I'm so proud of her - you be sure to let her know that we are all thrilled!
Congrats! I remember those days, what an accomplishment!
Hey, its Rachel Clifton- Lindsay mentioned you have a blog... we do too, but we are terrible at updating it! :)
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