Remember our vacation last month. Well, Jessica had just begun to drive. I made her take the wheel. She had already had her permit for over a year. I mean a year and 3 months. She was very content never to drive. Then she realized that she would have to have her license in order to get a parking pass at school in August. So, I made her drive everywhere, to the store, to get gas, to get food, to yard sales, to the post office and to the beach and back. She took off and never looked back. She is actually a good driver-knock on wood and say a prayer. After she got her license, then the inevitable came up...I need a car. After much looking and praying, she got this jeep. Thanks PawPaw and Greg!!!. Also, thanks to Gmaw for "primping her ride". It is definitely primped out with tinkerbell stuff. Notice tink on the side window. She loves her car and I love that she now helps me with errands and transporting kids. If you see her go by on the road..please send up a little prayer for her safety.
She is also gainfully employed. She has been taking marketing classes at school for the past two years and her guidance counselor said she should get a job in marketing somewhere. So, I hooked a girl up!! She is one of my marketing assistants at Chick-fil-A. She loves her job and is doing a great job. She has made many CFA friends and hangs out with the crew there often. She also likes having some money. She also has bills now. Can you say car insurance...and gas.
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