Today was a yucky, gloomy, grey and a kind of overcast day. The kind of day that I wanted to stay in bed for. But that rarely happens on a Tuesday. That typically is McKinney family crazy day. My day started last night when I climbed into bed at 1am. I had just returned home from a moms group. I had a great time meeting other women from church. By the time I got home and piddled around the house it was 1am. I knew waking up this morning was going to be hard. Madi had cheerleading practice at school at 715am. I woke up at 430am to wake Jessica up and then dosed back for awhile. I was having a hard time thinking of getting out of bed. I had to pray myself out of that bed. I prayed I would have enough strength to make it all day. I prayed and prayed and prayed. Then I got up and could not believe my energy. I did a load of laundry, ironed Wils school clothes, made a meatloaf for dinner and put it in the fridge. I took the kids to school, went to park for a walk, returned countless CFA(Chick-fil-A)phone calls, showered and was ready for my day at 930am. How did all that get done. I don't know if God was pushing me or if he just gave me energy to get it all done. I went to work and got so much done. I had lunch with Matthew, Marybeth and sweet Annaweezie. That is Marybeth's youngest sweetie! We could have talked for hours, as if we had not talked last night. I worked until 6pm and then went to Jessica's basketball game she was cheering at. Mom and Dad picked up Madi from her practice and we were all home at 730pm. Olivia had put my meatloaf in the oven and I warmed corn from the farm. YUM! Threw some frozen broccoli in the microwave and we had ten minutes to eat before we got into the car again. Did I say Tuesdays were my crazy night? I then took Jessica and Madi to gymnastics practice and got home at 10pm. I could have went to bed but I had taped CSI. I could have went to bed at 11pm but decided to check in on some of my friends blogs. So now I am ending this very long day and getting ready to head to my nice comfy bed. This image above gets me through a lot of days. Eager for summer, and days on the beach with the children and parents. I sat on the beach this summer and thought "It don't get any better than this". I knew on grey, yucky days my mind would go back to the beach. But if my memory could not bring back the image, I would darn sure make certain that I could see it. Doesn't the beach look wonderful. This is what got me through today. Oceans and lots of prayers.
I loved being part of your crazy day!! And so did Weesy!
OK! You win. You got less sleep than Chris or I did and you accomplished more in the time that you were awake than we did. (Just a friendly competition at CFA about who woke up the earliest, even though Chris usually wins by waking up daily at 3:30AM because "it's time to make the chicken biscuits".)
I don't know how you do it, but would you please slow down, you are making me tired!
See ya at CFA,
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