I have not sat down for a second in about a week. I love reading my friends blogs and when they don't update it often I get upset. So, here is the family update.
Madi is flying high this week, because her school went to a cheerleading competition this past weekend. She was signed up to do a solo. As luck would have it, she was first to take the mat of the entire days competition. She was awesome! I was very proud of her. At the end of the day, she was awarded first place for her performance. Her school came in first place in their division and the parents and cheerleaders cheered so much that we were given the award of most spirited. Pretty awesome. That was not the end though. They awarded girls an award based on spirit, performance and academics the "All American Cheerleader Award" and when they called her name I was over joyed. What a sweet end of a great competition!
Jessica is doing great. This week is exam week and she gets to catch up on her sleep. She gets up every day at 430am and usually is studying until after midnight. When we arrived home from the competition Saturday we had a full house. The picture below is what we call "the Saturday night sista's". These are the group of girls that stay at our house every weekend to go to church with us.ok no picture right now due to camera left a work for team member to use.
Olivia is going great. She is helping with Toby and Bear. Bear is my parents dog that we get plenty of visitation rights to due to retired parents
that travel a lot
Wil is doing great. Nothing major happened to him this week. He had Nikki over to play this weekend.
I wanted to update everyone on two of my new year resolutions. I was joining a moms church group and wanted to read 12 books. Well, we are reading this great book from one of the Proverbs31 speakers. I wanted to go to Barnes and Nobles to see if they had it. I asked if they had any books from Melanie Chitwood. The lady said yes we do. We carry the book "What a husband needs from his wife physically". As she looked up from the computer I began to laugh. I think there is more to the title. She did not look amused. I think she thinks I am reading some freaky book and what I need to do for my husband. I proceeded to tell her the rest of the title and she was not interested. Just in case you were wondering the entire title is "what a husband needs from his wife physically, spiritually and emotionally". As luck would have it the book was out of stock so I ordered it. Sorry Greg will just have to wait to see what the books says I should do to him physically.
I am really excited about the adventure I am going on this week. Art and Raquel(CFA team member) are off to Atlanta for some intense, serious training with some big wigs at corporate. I had a marvelous plan that I should accompany them. Here is how the conversation went. Art I think I need to go to Atlanta too. You really should not travel with Raquel alone, that does not look good. She may feel uncomfortable. I should go too and stay in my jammies all day while you two are in serious, intense classes and read the book that the seminar in modeled after. After you two are in sensory overload each night-I could help you process your information and help put your plans into action. Are you following me people--me all by my self for hours in a hotel room, reading, with no husband, no children, no workers, no customers and no no no one but me!. Sweet idea right? Who was I kidding-what boss would OK that idea? So after I stated by case-I waited for the laughter to ensue..."Sounds great, I think that is the best idea you have had. We can put a game plan into action right there on the spot and be able to hit the ground running when we return home." What, are you serious. I have been quite giddy this week about my trip. Until today. We interrupt this happy vacation plan for a wonderful boss plan."Hey what time will your plane land in the morning" he says. I say that I should be at the hotel about 10am. He says"Great the seminar starts at 10am" I think you will love it". Ok now I am starting to picture what I will look like shimming myself into a seminar that I am not invited to. Picture this with me if you will. I will not get home tonight until 10pm-remember it is Tuesday again-After I pack, make sure everyone is taken care of for the rest of the week, get in bed, wake up at 430am with Jessica, get ready, drive to the airport, lug my luggage, check in-did I mention I am flying stand by-wait to see if I get to board the 7am flight-thanks Tam and Greg, arrive in Atlanta at 830am, ride the marta-train- to station-pray for me all alone in the big city like Mary Tyler Moore (didnt want to tell my parents I was doing this-sorry mom and dad), call for the driver, arrive at the hotel, it maybe raining there by the way-can you imagine humitity in very curly hair of mine, and saunter myself at 10am into a room full of professional dressed, well rested, showered, full belly from sweet buffet breakfast people just in time for the serious, intense seminar to start. Now back to conversation with Art-"Oh, I had a jammie day planned" Funny look from boss-"but intense, serious, all day seminar sounds great to me. See you there". OK now I am thinking what I have gotten myself into. I am sure that I will update you later on my adventure alone in the big city. By the way it is not looking so good for the flight back. It looks full and I may not be able to get on the flight. If I cant I have to stay another night in Atlanta-Hey I just might get my jammie day after all. Please pray for me over the next few days if you think of it.
Well I hope that each of you are doing well and you are still working on your new years goals.
Insert shout out to Gail-friend from Wil
Have a great week!
1 comment:
I just have to say that you suck as a blogger. But I love you anyway...
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