Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Chandelier gets painted and room update

I picked up this chandelier at a yard sale at the beach for $10.00. I quick painting with spray paint primer and coat of beige. Whala!!!

I love it in my room. It is beautiful. I am still trying to decide about the shades. What do you think? Red or Black?

Here is a shot of the room. Remember I picked up the Waverly curtains from Goodwill for $1.99 each. The pillows which match perfectly I found on Craigslist in Atlanta for a great price. And the sweet lady was kind enough to ship them to me. The wicker piece was from a yard sale for $5.00. I don't know if you can see if very well, but I got the cutest dresser beside the bed for $2.50 at the Matthews help center. I can't wait to paint it and put new drawer pulls on it.

I found the letter M on the wall at goodwill. So, here is how it looks so far. I love it and it did not cost me very much to do. I am wanting to add a little splash of red in there. I have been looking for a pillow that can go on the bed and maybe those shades. I will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Black....Or maybe dark Green

Lindsay said...

I say black shades...or shades with the toille print...if you do red, you need a few red other red things in there. Just my opinion! :)

Anonymous said...

i say red,

oh & i can't put my name in here cause i don't have a blog so just you let you know its madi (: